Sunday, 11 April 2010

the beauty of the hotseat!

Truly learning so very much! Running a business is exhilirating, frustrating, tiring, fascinating, intriguing, eye opening and WHAT A BUZZ!!!
I'm loving it!!! At least I'm out of nappies now!!! I'm a toddler...learning to walk! It's so easy to listen to a business advisor....go to books...etc. The bottom line is you have to run a business to know a business....and thick skin is a necessity! I love a good challenge! and I have definitely found one in business! what a BUZZ!!! definitely not for the fainthearted! There is nothing more exhilarating that getting up when you've been knocked down!! You get up with drive and way more ambition than before! Now is the time to read some books...go to some compare notes(mainly) and get a few tidbits! But my have to be a people person...engage with people...learn from your customers. As well as absolutely, unreservedly love your product!! Sell something you would invest in!
Running a business is the bees' knees!!! It's all about the honey!!!

stay blessed and have a fantastic day!!!


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